June 10, 2014 A Taste of Yiddish Music at Accordions Around the World in Bryant Park

A good time was had by all who listened, sang along, clapped, or even danced a waltz or a tango or two (see second photo below).

Bryant Park 061014 Chiu Ng Thanks to Chiu Ng for capturing my enjoyment of the moment.

photo-6 Thanks to Elena Schwolsky for recording the scene.

And thanks to the producer of the event Ariana Hellerman for making it happen.

Tuesday, June 10th, 5-6 pm in Bryant Park – Accordions Around the World – A Taste of Yiddish Music

On TUESDAY, JUNE 10th from 5-6 PM, I will be performing in BRYANT PARK as part of the ACCORDIONS AROUND THE WORLD series. My program is entitled “A TASTE OF YIDDISH MUSIC” and will include Jewish folk songs, selections from the Yiddish Theatre, chasidic table songs, and klezmer pieces – featuring accordion instrumentals, some vocals in Yiddish, and a few numbers on the claviola. Please join me to sing-along, clap, and dance or just sit back and enjoy music in the open air. Bryant Park is located in MANHATTAN at 6TH AVENUE AND 42ND STREET, behind the New York Public Library. For more information: http://www.bryantpark.org/plan-your-visit/accordion.html (In case of rain, the show will be cancelled.)Accordion Menorah