A tiny sample of past music for the people:
The Filthy Rotten System band plays in solidarity with detained immigrants and their families. Clergy, faith leaders, activists, community members and former immigrant detainees and immigrant families gathering on Ash Wednesday 2013 at a vigil to protest the imprisonment of immigrants for profit. There was a day long series of events that began in Liberty State Park in New Jersey in front of the bridge to Ellis Island in sight of the Statue of Liberty and ended in front of the Corrections Corporation of America for profit detention center in Elizabeth, NJ. Thanks to Casa Esperanza for the video.
“Solidarity Forever – The Golden Farm Music Video” Paul Stein of Occupy/Ocupemos Sunset Park on accordion, Matt Plummer on trombone, and pots and pans percussion accompanying the spirited picket line in Kensington (Brooklyn) on October 20, 2012 in support of the Golden Farm market workers who had unionized but were struggling to get the store owner to negotiate their first contract. The Kensington community, Occupy Kensington, NY Communities for Change, 99 Picket Lines, and OccuEvolv came out to support the workers. Thanks to Michael Klein for the video.
The Occuponics were pleasantly surprised to find Brian Eno and Laurie Anderson, among others, at Liberty Square (AKA Zuccotti Park) on the afternoon of November 16, 2011 singing along with us in support of the Occupy Wall Street encampment, as crowds gathered attempting to re-enter Zuccotti Park after police and municipal authorities evicted protesters from the area. These internationally famous musicians were totally unpretentious, and, like everyone else, came by simply to support the Occupy Movement. Thanks to visitordesign.com for the video.
The Filthy Rotten System band sings Bobby Darin’s “Simple Song of Freedom” on October 8, 2012 in commemoration of Indigenous Celebration Day as part of the “DREAMs Not Detention” tour by New Jersey advocates, faith leaders, and residents of New Jersey jails that house immigrant detainees.
The Occuponics and The Tax Dodgers spent a day serenading the public on Federal Tax Day, April 17, 2012. Here’s a video of the team singing outside Trump Tower, where Donald Trump was hosting a birthday celebration for Ann Romney. After this, the Dodgers and the Occuponics headed downtown, making multiple stops at the sites of corporations that refuse to pay their fair share of the tax burden.
Rudy Giuliani – 9/11 Profiteer – Lyrics, accordion accompaniment, and male vocals by Paul Stein – A video exposing New York City Mayor Giuliani’s incompetence that contributed to the loss of life and injury on 9/11 at the World Trade Center and his shameless exploitation of 9/11 for his own profit. First published in January 2008, in support of 9/11 first responders and survivors of first responders who were outraged by Giuliani’s bid to become President.
The Occuponics doing Frack You at the Peoples’s Voice Cafe on October 13, 2012, featuring Lauren DiGioia and Occupy Sax Man.
The First Night of Chanukah 2013 at the People’s Voice Cafe with Robin Greenstein