Occuponics Perform “I Don’t Know But I’ve Been Told” (Animal Rights Version) at National Animal Rights Day

The Occuponics, with Occupy Sax Man and Guitarmy plus OWS Pulse drummers, rocked the 2nd annual National Animal Rights Day gathering in Union Square North on Sunday, June 3, 2012.

In the video below, the band performs a special version of the Occuponics’ “I Don’t Know But I’ve Been Told,” which includes the lyrics: “I don’t know but I can see all God’s creatures want to be free,” and “I don’t know but I think it’s time to protect the planet from corporate crime.”

Thanks to videographer rrrina for getting this performance down on tape!

The 99 Percent Sing in Union Square – a Video By Photographer Vivian Cherry

Thanks to Vivian Cherry for creating this video and taking these photographs of The Occuponics, in Union Square, performing “Ain’t Going To Let Nobody Turn Us Around,” an old song from the Civil Rights era that we actively adapt for the era of the 99 Percent Spring. The band learned how powerful this song can be while marching with Pete Seeger back in October of 2011.

Carlos Mandelbaum on Occupy Wall Street and Harvard Men For Economic Justice

Our friend and fellow musician Carlos Mandelbaum expounds on Occupy Wall Street in this video, recorded by Allegra Culpepper, at Union Square on Saturday, March 24. You can avail yourself of more of Carlos’ thought-provoking views at his site, http://www.carnivalofideas.com.

Occuponics: “This Park Is Your Park!”: American Spring Concert, 3/22/2012

The Occuponics jam with the renowned Carlos Mandelbaum at Union Square Park, NY, playing “This Park Is Your Mark,” a slightly modified version of Woody Guthrie’s classic “This Land Is Your Land.”

One of the great joys of playing folk music is that this kind of music, by definition, is subject to modification as times change. Like the United States Constitution, folk songs are “living documents” which belong to the people and can be modified to their current needs.

Occuponics Jam With Carlos Mandelbaum, Union Square, 3/21/2012

The Occuponics had the rare pleasure of jamming with the polymath Carlos Mandelbaum (AKA David Intrator) on Wednesday, March 21, the fourth day of the Occupation of Union Square. Here the band performs “I Don’t Know But I’ve Been Told (Occupy People Are Mighty Bold),” an original composition by the Occuponics’ Stephen Carl Baldwin. This song has proven to be popular among the demonstrators, and is often requested when the Occuponics are on the scene.

Occuponics Occupy Union Square/American Spring Concert: March 20, 2012

The Occuponics jam with The OWS Sax Man at Union Square during the American Spring concert series, March 20, 2012.

Union Square became a locus of activity for Occupy Wall Street following the 6-month anniversary of OWS, which, while a joyous day, deteriorated into violence late in the evening. Many protesters came to Union Square in the following days, believing that they might be safer in a different part of Manhattan.