The Eyes of Obama Are Upon You
(The tune of The Eyes of Texas Are Upon You)
New lyrics by Paul Stein
The eyes of Obama are upon you,
All the livelong day.
The spies of Obama are upon you,
Tracking what you write and say.
Do not think you can escape them,
At night or early in the morn.
The rise of the police state should alarm you!
The Fourth Amendment’s gone!
The Occupy Wall Street Anti-Fracking Song
Words and music by Paul Stein
Fracking is a dirty deed.
It’s fueled by One Percenter greed.
Wind and solar are what we need,
So we occupy for change. (chorus)
We’re marching to the beat
Of Occupy Wall Street.
We’re here to shout
“We’ve been left out.”
We’re turning up the heat.
Spectra Pipeline, we say “no!”
We’ve got to stop its deadly flow.
We must protect the planet, so
We occupy for change. (chorus)
Governor Cuomo, ban the fracking!
Send those toxic gas folks packing!
It’s our environment they’re attacking,
So we occupy for change. (chorus)
Fracking poisons water and land,
And causes earthquakes, it should be banned.
Before disaster strikes take a stand!
Occupy for change! (chorus)
© 2012 Paul Stein
The Occupy Wall Street Song
Words and music by Paul Stein
We’re marching to the beat
Of Occupy Wall Street.
We’re here to shout
We’ve been left out.
We’re turning up the heat.
We’re the 99 percent.
Our income’s slashed, our saving’s spent.
Wall Street caused this predicament.
So we occupy for change. (Chorus)
We need jobs, we need health care,
We need housing and education,
Simple fairness in our nation.
So we occupy for change. (Chorus)
Greedy bankers steal our money.
Greedy bosses lay off workers.
Greedy millionaires pay low taxes.
So we occupy for change. (Chorus)
Wall Street titans take but don’t give.
Main Street folks don’t make enough to live.
If you’re brown or black you’re pushed further back.
So we occupy for change. (Chorus)
Punish Wall Street, not the workers!
Bail out families, not the bankers!
Make jobs, not wars, tax the millionaires!
We occupy for change. (Chorus)
In parks and squares across the land,
People are rising hand in hand.
So join the movement, take a stand!
Occupy for change! (Chorus)
[Please add your own verses.]
Guitar Chords: Chorus – Fm & C7, Verses – Fm, Bbm & C7
© 2012 Paul Stein
Environmental Verses for The Occupy Wall Street Song
Created by members of the Green Party of Essex and Passaic Counties and friends on November 6, 2011, when they traveled to Washington, D.C. for the massive demonstration against the planned Tar Sands Keystone XL Pipeline. The White House was completely surrounded by 10,000 people, and President Obama put off making any decision about the pipeline until 2013, which will hopefully help kill the project. Thanks to Jane Califf for passing this along.
Keystone Tar Sands really bad,
Designed to make our future sad.
Stop the Pipeline, make us glad.
So we occupy for change.
Fracking is a dirty crime.
All to make a lousy dime.
Fills the earth with toxic grime.
So we occupy for change.
Clean nuclear, what a lie.
Many folks will surely die.
Radiation fills the sky.
So we occupy for change.
We need a clean energy revolution.
Wind and solar are a solution.
Creates power without pollution.
So we occupy for change.
What We Believe Cannot Be Jailed
Music & Lyrics by Paul Stein
They can take away our tents.
They can ban our sleeping bags.
They can banish all our books,
Rip our banners into rags.
They can put us behind bars
And enact repressive laws.
But no matter what they do,
They can’t defeat our cause.
‘Cause Occupy’s a state of mind,
And struggle makes us strong we find.
No matter how much we’re assailed,
What we believe cannot be jailed.
They can seal off every square.
They can pen in every park.
They can stop us in the streets,
Make a curfew after dark.
They can confiscate our amps
To curb speech that they don’t like.
But they sure can’t shut us up,
Since we are the human mic.
‘Cause Occupy’s a state of mind,
And struggle makes us strong we find.
No matter how much we’re assailed,
What we believe cannot be jailed.
We will demonstrate and march,
Serve good food and paint and write.
We will dance and sing our songs,
Do street theatre day and night.
We will study every issue
And make sure they’re all discussed.
We will be the 99 percent,
No matter who they bust.
‘Cause Occupy’s a state of mind,
And struggle makes us strong we find.
No matter how much we’re assailed,
What we believe cannot be jailed.
We protect our precious planet,
Defend public education.
We oppose the legal system’s
Racist mass incarceration.
We hold economic justice
And peace to be our right.
For all workers, immigrants and students,
This is why we fight.
‘Cause Occupy’s a state of mind,
And struggle makes us strong we find.
No matter how much we’re assailed,
What we believe cannot be jailed.
The BP Oil Song
Music and Lyrics by Paul Stein
BP Oil, BP Oil, it’s a sad tale to tell.
They ruined the ocean with their broken well.
Greed swept aside caution in searching for crude.
Investors made billions, and we all got screwed.
Deepwater Horizon, that huge drilling rig,
Went miles to the bottom for oil it could swig.
Production they’d push, and safety ignore,
So eleven good men lost their lives far from shore.
A sudden explosion, a fire, and it blew.
BP did not know a quick fix, what to do.
So they PR’d the public with ad after ad,
As they tried to hide that the spill was so bad. (Chorus)
The photos of turtles and birds mired in muck,
Brought tears to my eyes, they were helplessly stuck.
Their habitat fouled by the swift oil flow,
From deep undersea where BP’s pipe did blow.
Federal agencies helped make this mess,
By thinking the best regulation is less.
“Drill, Baby, Drill” led us up to this spill,
On a path from the White House to Capitol Hill. (Chorus)
Millions of people along the Gulf Coast,
Their livelihoods threatened, are hurting the most.
But with sea life in peril and sludge on the beach,
No one is safe from catastrophe’s reach.
So all you dear people, please promptly take heed.
Make sure that they can’t repeat this dirty deed.
Wherever you live, and however you toil,
Fight for solar and wind power! Not more oil! Not more oil!
Guitar Chords
Chorus: C, F, D7, G7
Verses: F, C, G7
© 2011 Paul Stein
Occupy Pie
(to the tune of “Da Do Ron Ron” by Jeff Barry, Ellie Greenwich, and Phil Spector)
New words by Nancy Schimmel of Occupella
We’re tired of the cycles of boom and bust,
We’ll occupy-pie, we’ll occupy.
The dough is only rising for the upper crust,
We’ll occupy-pie, we’ll occupy.
Oh, the boom and bust,
Oh, the upper crust,
And if you take our homes
We’ll occupy-pie, we’ll occupy.
It isn’t cherry and it isn’t lime,
It’s occupy-pie, it’s occupy.
It’s your just deserts and it’s just in time,
It’s occupy-pie, it’s occupy.
Oh, it isn’t lime,
Oh, it’s just in time,
And if you take our homes
We’ll occupy-pie, we’ll occupy.
There’s a slice for you and a slice for me,
It’s occupy-pie, it’s occupy.
This here pie will set the people free,
It’s occupy-pie, it’s occupy.
Oh, a slice for me,
Oh, set the people free,
And if you take our homes
We’ll occupy-pie, we’ll occupy.
Revised 1/9/12
Guitar Chords
G, C, D7
Fight the Status Quo
(To the tune of Let My People Go)
New words by Hali Hammer of Occupella –
When Egypt was Mubarek’s land
(fight the status quo)
Oppressed ones took the upper hand
(fight the status quo) Chorus
Step up, fight back, stay strong and make a stand
Time to ta-ake command – Fight the status quo!
The Arab Spring spread far and wide
(fight the status quo)
As demonstrations swelled in size
(fight the status quo) Chorus
When Walker undermined their rights
(fight the status quo)
Wisconsin workers won the fight
(fight the status quo) Chorus
News spread by e-mail, facebook, tweet
(fight the status quo)
As people gathered in the street
(fight the status quo) Chorus
We work for rights, for what is fair
(fight the status quo)
At Occupations everywhere
(fight the status quo) Chorus
So now change comes before our eyes
(fight the status quo)
This happens when we organize!
(fight the status quo) Chorus
Occupy Wall Street – The Song
Music and Lyrics by Chris Nauman
Occupy, occupy, occupy your mind.
Then go forth and occupy
Everything you find.
Occupy, occupy, occupy your needs.
Stand up to the one percent,
Occupy the greed.
Occupy, occupy, occupy your rights.
A decent job and education,
This is why we fight.
Occupy, occupy, occupy, your home.
Don’t let the bankers take from you
Everything you own.
The bells will ring with a new song.
The people singing all day long.
Occupy, occupy, occupy your health.
Single payer health care plan
Promotes the common wealth.
Occupy, occupy, occupy for peace.
If the world’s so occupied,
All the wars will cease.
Occupy, occupy, occupy the earth.
Hold it like a newborn babe,
innocent at birth.
Occupy, occupy, occupy the square.
Let your voice be loud and clear.
Let the children know you’re there.
The bells will ring with a new song.
The people sing “we all belong.”
Occupy, occupy, occupy your mind.
Then go forth and occupy
Everything you find.
© 2011 Chris Nauman
I Don’t Know But I’ve Been Told (Occupy People Are Mighty Bold)
Words by Stephen C. Baldwin, Zuccotti Park, USA, January, 2012; Music by U.S.M.C.
I don’t know but I’ve been told
(I don’t know but I’ve been told)
Occupy People are mighty bold
(Occupy People are mighty bold)
I don’t know but I can see
(I don’t know but I can see)
Occupy People just want to be free
(Occupy People just want to be free)
Oh yeah, all right
Oh yeah, all right
Oh yeah, all right
Oh yeah, all right
I don’t know but I can think
(I don’t know but I can think)
Whole damn system really stinks
(Whole damn system really stinks)
I don’t know but I won’t wait
(I don’t know but I won’t wait)
Ain’t gonna live in a police state
(Ain’t gonna live in a police state
Oh yeah, all right
Oh yeah, all right
Oh yeah, all right
Oh yeah, all right
I don’t know but I’m singing this song
(I don’t know but I’m singing this song)
Old mayor Bloomberg’s gotta be wrong
(Old mayor Bloomberg’s gotta be wrong)
I don’t know but I can hear
(I don’t know but I can hear)
Occupy People, they’ve got no fear
(Occupy People, they’ve got no fear)
Oh yeah, all right
Oh yeah, all right
Oh yeah, all right
Oh yeah, all right
I don’t know but I’ve been told
(I don’t know but I’ve been told)
Occupy People are mighty bold
(Occupy People are mighty bold)
I don’t know but I can see
(I don’t know but I can see)
Occupy People just want to be free
(Occupy People just want to be free)
Whole wide world just wants to be free
(Whole wide world just wants to be free)
Free, free, free, free, free, free, free, free, FREE
© 2012 Stephen C. Baldwin
Wall Street, Your Kingdom Must Come Down
Music: Gospel traditional
Words: Original adaptation by Painless Parker (AKA Noam Berg); further adaptation by Stephen C. Baldwin
Chords: Dm – A – Gm
Wall Street, your kingdom I must come down
I say, Wall Street, your kingdom must come down
I heard the voice of the people saying
Wall Street, your kingdom must come down
Goldman Sachs, your kingdom must come down
Goldman Sachs, your kingdom must come down
I heard the voice of the people saying
Goldman Sachs, your kingdom must come down
Corporate greed, your kingdom must come down
Corporate greed, your kingdom must come down
I heard the voice of the people saying
Corporate greed, your kingdom must come down
Racism, your kingdom must come down
Racism, your kingdom must come down
I heard the voice of the people saying
Racism, your kingdom must come down
Sexism, your kingdom must come down
Sexism, your kingdom must come down
I heard the voice of the people saying
Sexism, your kingdom must come down
Homophobia, your kingdom must come down
Homophobia, your kingdom must come down
I heard the voice of the people saying
Homophobia, your kingdom must come down
(At this point in the song, additional suggestions can be offered from the audience and/or singers)
Wall Street, your kingdom I must come down
I say, Wall Street, your kingdom must come down
I heard the voice of the people saying
Wall Street, your kingdom must come down
The First Amendment – The Song
(to the tune of “I’ve Been Working on the Railroad”)
Words by James Madison and the U.S. Congress
Music – traditional
Additional words and set to music by Paul Stein
Congress shall make no law respecting
An establishment of religion,
Or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;
Or abridging the freedom of speech,
Or of the press;
Or the right of the people peaceably to assemble,
And to petition the government
For a redress of grievances.
That’s the First Amendment.
That’s the First Amendment.
That’s the First Amendment of our Constitution.
That’s the First Amendment.
That’s the First Amendment.
That’s the First Amendment
Mayor Bloomberg hates the First Amendment,
He wants to push us out of view.
He’s trying to suppress our free speech,
With arrests and beatings too,
and closing down
Liberty Square and Duarte Square
And Union Square at night,
‘Cause the corporate elites feel threatened
By our show of Occupy might,
but they should
Respect the First Amendment.
Respect the First Amendment.
Respect the First Amendment of our Constitution.
Respect the First Amendment.
Respect the First Amendment.
Respect the First Amendment.