Occuponics: Sixteen Tons

“Sixteen Tons,” a working song written by country great Merle Travis and made a hit by Tennessee Ernie Ford, is a natural candidate for performance in OWS-related events. Here, Stephen C. Baldwin and guest harmonica player Anthony perform the song at Zuccotti Park (AKA Liberty Square) in late 2011.

Washington Square Park Occupied: 1/29/2012 — Occuponics Express Solidarity with OWS (Occupy Wall Street) Drum Circle

Occuponics Jam With OWS Drum Circle – 1/29/12 Washington Square Park “Occupy Town Square”

The Almighty delivered splendid weather on Sunday, January 29th, 2012, when Occupy Town Square, an OWS (Occupy Wall Street) affinity group, produced a “pop-up occupation” in Washington Square Park. It was a beautiful afternoon that succeeded in re-establishing OWS as a powerful (albiet formerly dormant) force around the world.

The Occuponics continue to write and perform “on the spot,” improvisational Occupy Wall Street music and the group did its thing at The Peoples’ Stage (AKA The People Staged) and, earlier, before the valorous Daniel had gotten the People’s Stage banners up, with the splendid drum circle featured in this video, featuring Brendan Rooster Hunt, Saeed RB, John Eustor, and other members of the famous “Pulse” percussion cooperative, which gave OWS its heartbeat in late 2011.

We salute the OWS Drum Circle (AKA “Pulse”): these are valiant soldiers of rhythm who have given so much to Occupy Wall Street and have paid a price (three drummers were arrested on Saturday at Zuccotti Park (AKA Liberty Square). We hope these artists are released from jail soon. They were playing quietly and meant no harm to anybody.

Today’s WSP (Washington Square Park) Occupy Town Square event happened without arrests and was a beautiful model for future “pop-up” occupations that combine arts, culture, teach-ins, and be-ins for the public good.

We are grateful to The OWS Drum Circle Channel for uploading and distributing this video of the revitalized Occupy Wall Street (AKA OWS) drum circle.

Don’t Let The Occu-Flu Chill Ya!

Don't Let the Occu-Flu Chill You An unpleasant, debilitating illness beset Occupy Wall Street (OWS) in the early weeks of January, 2012. Protesters returning from Washington DC may have brought the malady north after a mass demonstration there. Because many former Zuccotti Park campers now huddle, wandering nomads, in church shelters where disease easily spreads, an outbreak of what is being called the “Occu-Flu” has presented itself as the latest obstacle to OWS. Symptoms are centered in the stomach and this aggressive occupying microbe will seek out every available haven in the body.

The Occuponics recorded this brief Get Well ditty to express all those affected by the dreaded Occu-Flu.

The Occu-Flu By The Occuponics by Stephen Carl Baldwin


Don’t let the Occu-Flu go chill ya
Cause the Occu-Flu can kill ya
You know the germ don’t give a damn about me and you
So if you go down to Zuccotti
Better take care of your body
We’ve got a long long way to go before we’re through
Don’t let the Occu-Flu go chill ya
Cause the Occu-Flu can kill ya
Don’t let the Occu-Flu go chill ya
Cause the Occu-Flu can kill ya

The Occupy Wall Street Song by Paul Stein, Accordionist, Oct 23, 2011

The Occuponics perform Paul Stein’s Occupy Wall Street Song on October, 23rd, 2011, at Zuccotti Park, AKA Liberty Square. This recording was made several weeks before police raided the encampment, and one can get a good idea of how the camp looked in its prime, and sense the wonderful energy that was present in the place.

Occuponics: Occupy Wall Street Christmas: Occupy’s the Way

At Zuccotti Park, rebranded “Liberty Plaza” by the Occupy Wall Street General Assembly in late 2011, the Occuponics perform “Occupy’s The Way,” an original parody by the Occuponics’ Paul Stein based on the old Christmas favorite, “Jingle Bells.”

Occuponics: Occupy Wall Street Christmas: Feliz Navidad

On Christmas Day, 2011, in Zuccotti Park the Occuponics, with other musicians, perform Feliz Navidad, a traditional Christmas song made popular by Jose Feliciano. Feliz Navidad is a great song to play in public spaces, because most people know the melody, the chords are easy to play, and the spirit of the song is infectious. This song has the power to cheer people up, and one should never underestimate the importance of being able to do this when people are genuinely suffering.

Occuponics: A Little Night Music from Occupy Wall Street

On Friday, October 22, The Occuponics performed a long set of music at Zuccotti Park (AKA Liberty Square), and were informed by a friend that one of their heroes, Pete Seeger, would be appearing uptown at Symphony Space and might even lead a march down to Columbus Circle to express solidarity with OWS. So although the band was very tired, they journeyed uptown and were on site when crowds began forming outside the theater where Pete was performing.

Taking advantage of the fact that a large throng of people had gathered but no music could be heard at that time, they played Paul Stein’s “The Occupy Wall Street Song” several time before a highly receptive audience. A few minutes later, people began emerging from the doors and the march began forming. This large procession of some 1,000 people began moving peacefully down Broadway, with police guiding the throng so that vehicular traffic would not be encumbered. Pete Seeger called out the songs, and our spirits were lifted when we saw the 92-year old Seeger making rapid progress towards Columbus Circle accompanied by friends, family, and musicians.

Marching with Pete Seeger was an inspiring experience for the band, and several songs performed on the march, including “This Little Light of Mine,” “Ain’t Going To Nobody Turn Us Around,” and, of course, “We Shall Overcome,” found their way into the band’s repertoire.

David Peel and The Occuponics at Occupy Wall Street, December 7, 2011

Veteran NYC street performer David Peel (often referred to as “The Godfather of Punk” because of his major influence over the development of the NYC-based punk music movement in the late 20th Century) jams with The Occuponics on December 7th, 2011, in Liberty Square (AKA Zuccotti Park). Dave started hanging with OWS early on, and was frequently seen playing what observers called his “Atomic Cowbell” in the drum circle. Here, Dave performs his original Occupy Wall Street song, “Wall Street Sucks” with accompaniment by at least one of the Occuponics.