Saturday, October 11, 2014, the Filthy Rotten System at the Peoples’ Voice Cafe in Manhattan

The Filthy Rotten System had a great time with a large, enthusiastic audience at the Peoples’ Voice Cafe and were fortunate to share the evening with talented Michigan singer/songwriter Steve Deasy. We are leader Bud Courtney on rhythm guitar, banjo and vocals, Jim Reagan on rhythm guitar and vocals, Jeff Schneider on lead guitar, Anthony Donovan on harmonica and vocals, Ray Todd on trombone, Brian Hynes on bass guitar, Jack Courtney on drums, and Paul Stein on accordion. Unfortunately, Jack Courtney and Ray Todd are obscured in this view.FRS PVC 10-11-14Photo by Dennis Flores

June 28, 2014 at Church of the Nativity in Manhattan, the Filthy Rotten System Played at a Party Honoring Jesuit Peace Activist Luke Hansen

With leader Bud Courtney on guitar and vocals, Jim Reagan on guitar and vocals, Brian Hynes on bass guitar, Jack Courtney on percussion, Raymond Todd on trombone, and Paul Stein on accordion. And Carmen Trotta waiting in the wings for his Elvis gig. Thanks to Bill Ofenloch for photo.
FRS Luke Hansen 062814 Bill Ofenloch

Filthy Rotten System at May 2, 2014 First Friends of NJ & NY Dinner Honoring Fr. Jack Martin, A Dedicated Advocate for Immigrant Families

Father Jack 2014 FRS
The Filthy Rotten System (FRS) was honored to play at St. Helen’s Church in Westfield, NJ for the annual dinner of First Friends of NJ & NY, a wonderful organization that supports and advocates for detained immigrants and their families. The Honoree Father Jack Martin has dedicated his life to the cause of immigrants, refugees, and asylum seekers. Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Chris Hedges gave a moving presentation.
Father Jack 2014 We Shall Overcom
Father Jack (center in white shirt) and the FRS (Leader Bud Courtney, Jim Reagan, Jeff Schneider, and Paul Stein were present) closed out the evening with the 200 guests singing a heartfelt “We Shall Overcome”. Photos by Karen Long

The Filthy Rotten System in Union Square – April 5, 2014

The Filthy Rotten System band led by Bud Courtney at the Kairos Imagine a World Without War Peace Vigil. Members playing today included Anthony Donovan, Jim Reagan, and Paul Stein. Photo by Anthony Donovan.
